Professional Triathlete

So, I have arrived back from Madrid-Spain and was soon onto my MTB the same day after my LONG haul flight… Had a great ride with Neville Murray “PA” and hit the bed..

Day before Zevenwagt Event Hosted by Momentum,I-Flex,Peptopro/Peptosport I went to test the mtb route and running route out! BOY oooo Boy were the competitors going to have a great event!..

Check links to see what I mean 🙂

Bike route 9km-

Run route 2.75km –

So I was all reared up and ready for the event, a pre-ride and run with Bradley Weiss and Natia van Heerden  was VITAL! 🙂

Event Day soon was upon us and I was really keen to have a good race, as the past 3 races had been very dissapointing for me!

The year before I had real bad luck at this event, with my rear ” jockey wheel” screw coming out and thus forcing me to  borrow another athletes bike or be caught!.. This the gave me a DQ even though I had a clear lead on 2nd place, Guess rules are rules 🙂

This year, I was back with vengance and wouldent accept 2nd spot on the day..

On the start line , and there were some top guys to contend with, such as Brand du plessis , Ian Don-wauchope ,Kent Horner and my mate Badley Weiss.. I would need a SOLID performance to gain top honors on the day.

The felid was ready and marshals placed, and we were off, UPHILL to start with and soon we had a nice 1.25km downhill to build into the event.. for the 1st leg it was a run of  +-5km .

My legs were feeling awsome and soon it was Brand-mself and local athlete Gilbert Lucas pounding the gravel and tar with our racers 🙂

This run route was quite demanding, having 1st half downhills and the 2nd half uphill some 50m of elevation.. Going out on the race we managed just under 3min/km and on the way back 3:45-4min/km was achieved..

Link Below shows our pace-time-evelation and much more, thanks to my Garmin  forrunner 310Xt …

Run route done, Brand and I made our way through transition and onto the 3 lap 26.4km mtb bike route, promicing a LOT of hurt along the way..

Brand and myself were “stuck together like super glue” and rode the whole route together side by side!

Great pic below on off camber section reaching close to 40km/h…

Our bike split was 1H17min, averaging 20.9km/h with some 9min clear of the next athlete!

I felt  very smoothe and fast on my PUMA mountain bike “Pimped out by myeslf :-)” and doing 3 MTB nationals during the ages of 15-17  gave me local knowledge on the trails, and boy do i love Zevenwagt!

Bike Splits –

off the bike and into transtion, i missed my rack for the second time, but managed to pull a 6sec gap on Brand on the way out…

Mind set——–” PUMP IT LOUDER!!!” Go go go, was what I was thinking. Out of trasition i belted ,almost tripping down the sketchy transition exit at 45degrees!

I soon got up to pace and realized that I needed to put my head down and “gooi millies” as the afrikaans would say 🙂

Out on the last run , all I could hear was my own breath,birds chirping and the air rushing past my ears,and all I could see was my my Puma-Eutopia2 running shoes moving me towards 2:45/km all the way to the bottem of the hill.

Soon I looked back at the bottem of the hill seing that I had a 10-15sec gap on Brand, all I needed to do was hold him off up the hill for the last time!!!

Coming up to the finish, Im not going to lie, I was about 300m away from cramping up after the hard mountain bike and 1st run 🙂 but I held it together and came home with a win!!!

This being my 1st Momentum health I-Flex duathlon win, Im glad to say, this event was a great success 🙂

Results of this event can be seen on :

Thanks goes to BSG-Momentum-  Ma % Pa – RudyProject for SICK eyewear and helmets and all my other sponsors for assisting me 🙂

2 days after the event, I made my way by car to PTA where I will be staying till the 24th May for training at the HPC with fellow triathletes and my Coach Lindsey Parry..

My next event  is :

15may P.E -momentum I-Flex Duathlon powered    by Prptopro/Peptosport

Till next time, patientiae fructus 🙂

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